Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Breckan 3 months...

Breckan is now 3 months old.  He was 14 lbs when I took him in and he had an ear infection in his right ear.  He likes sitting up.  He loves sitting in his Bumbo chair so he can be in on all the action that is going on with his brothers, when we are eating supper, pretty much anytime.  He still likes going in his swings too.  Dad brought over the walker and he loves being pulled around and pushed around by his big brothers, mainly Tristan.  I'm not sure who likes it more Tristan or Breckan. :)  Breckan is still drinking 4oz of formula every 3 hours or so.  He still likes to be wrapped up tight in his blanket to take naps and to sleep at night.  We moved him into his big crib the last week or so now and he's doing good with it for naps and bedtime.  He still gets up at night around 2 - 2:30 and then again around 5:30.  He eats and goes back to sleep.  He is in 3 - 6 month clothes and is wearing size 1 diapers. 

The boys were playing a game in the pictures below and wanted their baby brother to watch them so we sat him right alongside them in one of the chairs.  They thought that was pretty cool.
Breckan - 3 months old

Ethan, Breckan, Tristan

Boys playing a game with Breckan watching.

Ethan and Breckan

Breckan and Tristan

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