Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween...

Happy Halloween!!  This was Breckan's first Halloween.  He had a little pumpkin outfit with a cute pumpkin bib.  Ethan was a Ninja and Tristan was Batman.  Ethan and Tristan both had Halloween parties at school that they dressed up for.  I picked them up after school and we stopped by the bank to say hi to Auntie Darci and got some goodies there and had the boys' pictures taken too.  Then we headed to Bismarck to Dad's work at the armory where they had it all decorated and had crafts and snacks.  The boys got to walk through all the decorated halls and rooms and trick or treated as they did.  Then we stopped at Chance and Kristen's and Breckan and I stayed and visited while Dad, Uncle Chance, Ethan and Tristan went out trick or treating around the area.  They got LOTS of candy.  Dad and Uncle Chance even dressed up for awhile with the boys.
Batman(Tristan), Little Pumpkin(Breckan), and Ninja(Ethan)

Ethan, Breckan and Tristan.

Tristan and Ethan



The Batcave at the armory.  Tristan was scared of the Joker.
He wouldn't go through until I held his hand.

Feeling the stuff inside the pumpkins that was eyes and all sorts of stuff. 
Tristan wasn't about to stick his hand in any pumpkin though.

Ethan throwing at the frog game.

Tristan throwing at the frog game.

Ethan got a picture with the Lego Pirate.

Taking a picture of the boys at the armory.

Dad and the boys...Ethan, Dad, Breckan, and Tristan.

Dad, Ethan and Uncle Chance. 
Tristan didn't like the masks, he wouldn't even go take a picture with them.

Little pumpkin Breckan.

Kristen holding Breckan.

Little pumpkin on the back of Breckan's outfit.  Too cute!

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