Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Pig Roast...

Rashad decided to have a pig roast for Labor Day.  Friday he went and got the pig and got it all cleaned up and in the freezer to cool off.  Friday night, they injected it with flavor.  Saturday morning they started the fire around 6am.  Around 12:30 they had it ready to bury the pig in the pit.  It then cooked until Sunday around 5pm when they lifted it back out.  It pretty much fell apart it was so soft.  It was really good meat.  There were a lot of people there to eat and we had lots of food as usual.
Lonnie and Rashad getting the pig ready on Friday.

Pig in the freezer on Friday.

Wrapping the pig to be buried on Saturday.

Tristan showing off his skateboard moves as they were burying the pig.

Burying the pig on Saturday.

Covering the pig in the pit on Saturday.

Covering the pit with dirt on Saturday.

Lifting the pit out of the pit on Sunday.

Cutting up the pig.

Grilling hot dogs.

Eating supper.

Eating supper.

Who's belly is bigger? :)


Kristen and Tom...CHEERS!

Breakfast Monday morning.

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