Friday, August 19, 2011

Tristan's Preschool Open House...

August 19, 2011...
Our little boy will be starting Preschool on Monday, not sure where these years go.  Tristan had his preschool open house Friday evening.  We took in all his supplies and shoes and his beach towel for nap time.  He has his own locker with a red bird with his name on it, his own cubbie to put his shoes and papers in, we found his spot at his table with his name on it, we did a scavenger hunt to find different things in their room, we took a tour around the school to see the lunchroom and gym, and we returned back to his classroom for cookies, lemonade and some final visiting and playing around the room.  He was pretty shy and clinging to me the whole time so I'm really hoping Monday goes good and he'll be ready to stay and have some fun with the rest of the kids.  His teachers are very nice though and love kids so they will do their best to make them feel safe and welcome so it should go good.  It's exciting and scary at the same time. 
Tristan in the hallway at school.

Tristan by his locker at school.
(He wasn't smiling very good, he was not happy he had a red bird, he wanted a blue bird instead. :) )

Tristan by his name at his table in his classroom.

Tristan having snacks back in his classroom.

Tristan playing with some kids in his classroom.

Tristan outside of the school.

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